Is it really possible to enlarge the penis? What do women think about penis size? These are some of the questions that often crop up in the minds of men.
Greatest worry of women since ages - penis sizePenis enlargement has been practiced by men since ages. It’s not something new as various methods of penis enlargement have come down to us from the past. One of the oldest methods of penis enlargement is hanging, which was practised by tribes of Africa thousands of years ago. However, in the present times, men are even more worried about their penis size and often search for ways that can help them enlarge their penis.
Money making opportunity for advertisersThere are many products for
penis enlargement that are easily available on the market. Most of these products boast of big claims pertaining to effective penis enlargement; these products allure men who are often troubled by inadequate penis size. As a result, many advertisers try to cash in on this money making opportunity provided by the penis enlargement market. However, we advise you not to opt for a penis enlargement method or buy any of the products that claim to enlarge the penis size without learning about its pros and cons in detail.
What are the different non-surgical methods of penis enlargement?Most men prefer non-surgical methods of penis enlargement over surgical methods, which are relatively more risky. Some of the non-surgical or self applied methods of penis enlargement are penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement pumps, jelqing, clamping, stretching and hanging.
Penis enlargement pillsPenis enlargement pills are widely popular among men who desire a bigger and firmer penis. You can find many pills on the market that help in penis enlargement; however, VigRX is the most recommended pill because it contains herbal ingredients only.
VigRX is a 100% natural penis enlargement pill that contains herbs; these herbs are titrated in right proportions for pill formation. These herbs, with special properties, are collected from different parts of the world, ensuring overall male enhancement. Some of the herbs in VigRX are epimedium leaf extract, cuscuta seed extract, Asian red ginseng, ginkgo biloba leaf, muira pauma bark extract, saw palmetto berry, catawba bark extract, and hawthorn berry. A healthy mix of these natural ingredients bring about effective penis enlargement.
Penis enlargement pumpsYou can find different types of penis pumps in the market that help in natural penis enlargement. One of the penis pumps that require mention here is the
Maxmedix penis pump; it’s completely safe and easy to use. Penis pumps in general are safe and easy to use; however, complications may arise because of over pumping. It’s possible for men to over pump, probably because of heightened sexual excitement, but this should be strictly avoided.
JelqingThis method of penis enlargement involves exercising the smooth muscles in the penis. It can be done with the help of your hand by wrapping the thumb and the index finger around the penis when it’s in a semi-erect state. When you repeatedly draw the penis away from your body, it forces the blood into the head of the penis, leading to natural penis enlargement. This process is also known as milking.
ClampingThis method of penis enlargement involves the use of devices such as cable clamps, shoe string, or cock rings. The erect penis is inserted through the cock ring; it is worn on the base of the penis and extended in the direction of the penis, just like an extended process of masturbation.
Stretching and HangingThese are older methods of penis enlargement. This involves either stretching the penis or hanging a weight on to the penis and suspending it for a specific amount of time. Stretching or hanging the penis is helpful in increasing its size.
Surgical method of penis enlargementAlthough preferred by some men for quick penis enlargement, surgical methods can be risky. It has been found that most men, who opt for the surgical method to increase their penis size, generally end up dissatisfied probably because of complications that remain even after surgery.
Who is the right candidate for penile surgery?You should undertake a consultation with a qualified surgeon to find out whether you are a right candidate for penile surgery or not. After a thorough medical examination, the doctor may recommend penile surgery if your penis size is very small and if you don’t suffer from any other major health problems.
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buzzle penis enlargement article